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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拆乐高 乐高如何成为全球最畅销玩具公司
1 | 由于冼多人流向城市,我家乡的人口越来越少了。 | The population of my home town is thinning down now that so many people are going to the cities. | |
2 | ||1:对普通人苦难的强烈兴趣也决定了他的电视事业。||2:2007年,《无耻之徒》(一个以曼彻斯特工人阶级为背景的黑色喜剧)和《皮囊》(2007-09)的编剧团队开始着手创作,《皮囊》是一部以他的家乡布里斯托尔为背景的冷酷的青少年电视剧。||3:他与谢恩·梅多斯合作了《这就是英格兰》(2010-15)的三季,讲述的是上世纪80年代末和90年代初光头党、摩登派青年和狂欢晚会亚文化,最近又合作了《德行》(2019),讲述的是一个男人在童年受到虐待的故事。 | ||1:A keen interest in the travails of Everyman has defined his television career, too.||2:It began in 2007 on the writing team of “Shameless”, a black comedy set in a working- class area of Manchester, and “Skins” (2007-09), a grim teen drama set in his home town of Bristol.||3:He collaborated with Shane Meadows on the three seasons of “This is England” (2010-15), about skinhead, mod and rave subcultures in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and more recently on “The Virtues” (2019), which follows a man coming to terms with childhood abuse. | |
3 | ||1:一个基地极端主义分支,伊拉克和大叙利亚伊斯兰国,目前在两个国家十分活跃,并且已经攻陷了伊拉克第二大城市摩尔苏,从而导致50万人逃离家园。||2:该组织已经拿下萨达姆·侯塞因的家乡,提克里特,并威胁要进军巴格达。||3:随着伊拉克军队的崩溃,伊拉克北部的库尔德人表示他们已经完全控制基尔库里。||4:马力基政府寻求支援,但西方不愿介入。 | ||1:The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria(ISIS), an extreme offshoot of al-Qaeda that operates in both those countries, captured Mosul, Iraq’s second city, causing half a million people to flee the region.||2:It then took Saddam Hussein’s home town , Tikrit, and threatened to advance on Baghdad.||3:With the Iraqi army melting away, the Kurds in the north of Iraq said they had taken full control of Kirkuk.||4:The government of Nuri al-Maliki appealed for help, but the West was loth to intervene. | |
4 | ||1:英国薪酬最高的CEO变得更富有了。||2:丹尼斯·科茨(Denise Coates)将位于家乡特伦特河畔斯托克的博彩公司转型为私人在线博彩巨头Bet365。根据该公司的账目,科茨去年获得了总计2.65亿英镑(合3.52亿美元)的年薪。||3:这相当于斯托克市议会全部预算的40%左右。 | ||1:Britain’s best-paid chief executive just got richer.||2:Denise Coates, who turned her family’s betting firm in her home town of Stoke-on-Trent into Bet365, a private online gambling giant, is thought to have received 265 million pounds ($352m) in total annual compensation, last year according to the firm’s accounts.||3:That amounts to around 40% of the entire budget for Stoke city council. | |
5 | 理由有很多。乐高的家乡比伦德是丹麦的一个小乡村,因为实在太小,乐高还得专门为它盖一座宾馆—当然是非常高大上的那种。 | Lego’s home town , Billund in rural Denmark, is so small that the company had to provide it with a hotel—an elegant one, unsurprisingly. | |
6 | 一张张的小桌子吸引着消费者驻足品尝意大利腊肠以及让人垂涎三尺的松露巧克力糖,后者不仅仅昂贵,也是该公司缔造者的故乡—位于皮埃蒙特的阿尔巴—著名的特产。 | Groups of little tables tempt shoppers to stop and sample the salamis, or some of the eye-wateringly expensive truffles for which its founder’s home town ofAlba, inPiedmont, is famous. | |
7 | “这是我的城市,”他说,“我想在我生长的地方被承认和马克的伴侣关系。” | "This is my city, " he says. "I want to recognise my union with Mark in my home town . " | |
8 | 2000年,拉施德回到了他的故乡伊卜,那个绿荫掩映的也门西南部城市,进行一些必要的安排。 | In 2000, Rashad returned to his home town of Ibb, a verdant city in Yemen’s south-west, to make the necessary arrangements. | |
9 | 2000年,这对夫妻为当地一间超级市场工作时相识,于2004年结婚后,就极其渴望能有自己的孩子。 | The couple met in 2000 while working for a supermarket in their home town and were desperate for a family after marrying in 2004. | |
10 | 2005年,他与前雇主LeroyKnitwear合作,在家乡创办一家合资工厂。 | In 2005, he partnered with Leroy Knitwear, his former employer, to set up a joint venture factory in his home town . | |
11 | JackMurtha是将指定用途资金转用于自己家乡的臭名昭著的民主党人,与其有关的公司正在接受调查。 | Firms linked to Jack Murtha, a Democrat notorious for earmarking funds for his home town , are under investigation. | |
12 | 埃尔伯塔的家乡在WhiteCastle,一个摇摇欲坠的小地方。那里的自来水总是“比我还黑”,她抱怨到。 | In her small, rickety home town of White Castle, the tap-water often comes out "blacker than me" , she has complained. | |
13 | 除去保姆费之后的钱,大部分要被用来支付汽车房的房租。特丽莎夫妇租住的汽车防在沃森维尔,就在斯坦贝克的家乡萨利纳斯的周边。 | Most of what remains pays their rent for a trailer in Watsonville, just outside Steinbeck’s home town of Salinas. | |
14 | 此人早些时候曾经在一次审判中被判犯有盗窃罪,而当时对其做出的判决里有一条便是禁止其离开自己的家乡。 | He had already been convicted of theft at an earlier trial and his sentence banned him from leaving his home town . | |
15 | 带领你参观我的家乡带领你参观我的家乡 | show you around my home town =take you to visit my home town | |
16 | 但是我们理解塞克斯想到一支家乡的球队,并且已经接受了巴塞罗那的报价。 | However, we understand Cesc’s desire to move to his home town club and have now accepted an offer from Barcelona. | |
17 | 当时我是他的家乡布里斯托的议会候选人,我惊异地发现,与布鲁内尔相比,他居然默默无闻。 | As a parliamentary candidate in his home town of Bristol, I was shocked at how obscure he had become, compared with Brunel. | |
18 | 而当问到,如果朝鲜半岛能得以统一的话,希望家乡能归属何国时,回答同样迅速而坚定:朝鲜。 | When asked which country his home town should be in if the peninsula were ever to be united, the answer was equally firm: Korea. | |
19 | 而且,据说据卡扎菲老家很近的Sirte港已经落于其敌人之手。 | The port of Sirte, close to the colonel’s home town , was said to be in the hands of his foes. | |
20 | 更何况,全球化的背景下,金融家与所谓“家乡”的关联已经不像以前那样清晰了。 | Moreover, globalisation has meant that the financiers’ ties to a "home town " are not as clear as they once were. | |
21 | 即使你从没有远离过你的家乡,你也可以说你到过的任何地方。 | Even if you’ve never been outside of your home town , say you’ve been anywhere. | |
22 | 家乡发生了很大的变化。 | Great changes have taken place in my home town | |
23 | 她觉得回到家乡生活就是没出息。 | She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step. | |
24 | 两年前,洛杉矶的KathyDreyfuss和她的母亲踏上了去披头士的家乡利物浦的朝圣之旅。 | Two years ago, Kathy Dreyfuss of Los Angeles went on a pilgrimage to the Beatles’ home town of Liverpool with her mother. | |
25 | 米歇尔•奥巴马则会前往哥本哈根,而他的丈夫也准备发信支持他的第二故乡。 | But Michelle Obama will come, and her husband has been firing off letters in support of his adopted home town . | |
26 | 你的家乡是什么样子?请向一位生活在其他城市的朋友描述你的家乡或所在城市。 | What is your home town like? Describe your home town or city to a friend who lives in another country. | |
27 | 如果你喜欢离开自己的家乡去冒险,那么怪诞的食物和饮料注定会出现在你的生命里。 | Weird Food and Drinks. One is bound to come across it at some point in your life if you love venturing outside of your home town . | |
28 | 数百名宝洁员工驻扎在沃尔玛的家乡Bentonville,而接管吉列之后,关系更深。 | Several hundred proctoids are stationed in Bentonville, Wal-Mart’s home town , and the relationship has deepened since the Gillette takeover. | |
29 | 他指出,在普拉托的犯罪组织大多建立在家乡关系网的基础上,“他们主要迫害自己人”。 | The organisations in Prato, he says, are mostly based on home town networks and "they mainly victimise their own people" . | |
30 | 我的家乡位于一个偏僻的小镇。 | My home town was in the middle of nowhere. |